Friday, November 05, 2010

Cute Puss sans boots

If you have seen any of the Shrek movies, well not any, but ones after 1st Shrek you know who Puss is. Puss is the ninja cat - nimble, fast, sharp and in the boots at that. This is how Puss looked before.

With Shrek Forever After, Puss gets a make over...a big fat one. One of the most hilarious scenes from the movie, when puss and donkey are drenched are trying to groom themselves.
While looking for pics, I learnt that there really is a fairy tale character by the same name and also has a sophisticated French name to boot :-) Le Maistre Chat  (the master cat) and also ou Le Chat Botté (the booted cat).
Here's the complete story with colorful illustrations.

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